Soil Survey

Essex Based Contaminated Land Specialist

Building Compliance Testing – Your Building Compliance Partner


Are you searching for a Contaminated Assessment and Soil Survey? Well look no further than Building Compliance Testing!

If you are planning on purchasing land to build properties on, or even have land that you plan on building on, you will need to perform a phase 1 desktop study and preliminary risk assessment to ensure than the ground you are building on is not contaminated in any fashion, this is because of the current guidance of the Environment Agency issued in October 2020!

Learn about our Intrusive Site Investigation services by clicking here.

Services include:

  • Hand Dug Trial Pits
  • Mechanical Dug Trial Pits
  • Windowless Borehole Drilling
  • Standard Penetration Testing (SPT)
  • Geo-environmental Soil Sampling
  • Geo-technical Soil Sampling and Testing
  • Laboratory Soil Testing
  • Monitoring Well Installations and Ground Gas Monitoring
  • Groundwater Monitoring
  • VOC/SVOC Monitoring
  • Leachate Testing and Monitoring


Stage 1: Land Contamination Risk Management

Desktop Study and Preliminary Risk Assessment


There are many other reasons why you would need to do a phase 1 desktop study and preliminary risk assessment, such as if you are planning on selling land, you need one to sell to the next owners of that land need to know its state, this is so people can not sell land that is unworthy of future developments without them knowing, which can increase or decrease the value

Stage 2: Intrusive Site Investigation

Generic Risk Assessment


A contaminated land soil survey or investigation will depend on the findings of the Stage 1 assessment and the end use of the ground. This may involve additional geo-technical testing too, to aid with foundation design for example. This is where we will take soil samples and install monitoring equipment to ensure a thorough risk assessment is complete and compliance obtained.


Why Is Assessing Contaminated Land Important?

Brownfield Development Planning Constraints


Soil Sample

Well, especially if you are hoping to be granted planning permission. Local Authorities, Building Control and, Environment Agency need records of all of these things to see if a site is suitable or not.

These are some of the assessment criteria them all but are not limited to:

  1. Site Setting and Context
  2. Historical Ordnance Survey maps
  3. Geological Records
  4. Groundwater Vulnerability Maps
  5. Flood Maps
  6. Pollution incident records and regulatory records, and plenty others.


Learn more about the full assessment required for a Contaminated Land Assessment by clicking here.


Let Us Be Your Building Compliance Partner

Contact Us for your Contaminated Land  Assessment

If you are interested in the services of Building Compliance Testing, then we highly recommend getting in contact with us by filling out an enquiry form on our website! Or if you prefer to, you can instead phone us on this number: 01621 493 594 or email us on this address:

We look forward to working with you!



