Phase I Desktop Study PRA Harlow

Are you interested in a Phase I Desktop Study PRA Harlow? Well you are in luck as Building Compliance Testing can provide the best you will find!

Preliminary Risk Assessment and a Desktop Study are a must if you are aiming to do a Contaminated Land Survey, this is enforced by Environment Agency that was issued in October of 2020, They require this as it ensures the safety of any people or animals who have lived on that land and anybody who may live on that land in the future

The reason you may wish to do a Phase I Desktop Study is because of due diligence, if someone is purchasing said land they need to know the state of it before buying as it may great increase or reduce costs in purchasing and issues that may come with it, as it may not be fit for the purpose it needs to service such as housing or for livestock

If you are interested in getting a phase I desktop study PRA then we highly recommend getting in contact with us!


Why Choose Building Compliance testing?

In this day and age, everyone is working a lot to keep up with high demands and also for the money of course, we realised this and decided that we will start working on the weekends as well to cater to our extra hard workers out there! We do care for our clients so we want to make working with us as easy as possible! Get in contact with us to secure any details!Soil Sample

Extra costs come out of nowhere sometimes, so we want to make sure that you know the costs upfront! So that is why you can enquire about a quote for free on our website! So you can be safe in the knowledge about what you will be paying for before you even open your wallet!


Contact Us – Phase I Desktop Study PRA Harlow

If you are interested in Building Compliance Testings services, then please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us by filling out an enquiry form on our website, or if you would prefer to you can contact us via email using this address: or you can phone us using this number: 01621 493 594.

We look forward to working with you!