Energy Performance Certificate in Braintree

Are you searching for an energy performance certificate in Braintree? Well you are in luck as Building Compliance Testing is the only way to go!

In 2007, the government made it a legal requirement to have an energy performance certificate if you wish to sell a property that you have acquired or have constructed, while this is a pain, it is understandable, so don’t go out and buy all the equipment and learn how to use it all when you could just get the professionals to do it quick and easy!

The reason we have energy performance certificates is pretty simple, it gives us a idea of how much energy it takes to run the household which will result in how expensive it will be to run! Using a simple measuring chart, A – G, a being the cheapest to run and G being the most expensive to run, we can get an idea of how expensive it will be, and how much CO2 emissions it will pump out

If you are interested in getting yourself an energy performance certificate from Building Compliance Testing, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with us!


Why Choose Building Compliance Testing?EPC Braintree

Working hard is important, and if you’re working 5 days a week or more, you can feel like you never have time for the things you need to do, well don’t worry anymore! Building Compliance Testing is so dedicated to our job that we will sacrifice our weekends for you! That’s right, building compliance works all throughout the week, Saturday and Sunday included!


Contact Us – Energy Performance Certificate in Braintree

If you are interested in Building Compliance Testings services, then we highly recommend getting in contact with us by filling out an enquiry form on our website! Or if you prefer to, you can instead contact us by phone or email, using the information below!
Phone: 01621 493 594

We look forward to working with you!