Building Compliance Services
By definition, Building Compliance refers to new buildings meeting certain regulations after being built. Meanwhile, at Building Compliance Testing, our services help meet these rules. Whether you need design advice, site surveys or technical reports, we offer several Building Compliance Services.
First and foremost, Building Compliance focuses on whether a building is safe to use. It examines key areas such as Air Tightness and Ventilation Testing, to ensure whether buildings meet required standards.
According to Building Regulations, these rules usually apply when you put up a new building, make changes to an existing bigger building, change a building’s use or alter the building services. Before starting any such project, you should seek professional advice. Especially if any of this is new information to you.
Take Air Tightness Testing, for instance. Building owners require this when there is an overall energy assessment of the building. We calculate the air leakage i.e. any cooled air escaping through cracks. If left unnoticed, this may contribute to harmful Carbon Dioxide emissions.
Generally, these Air Tightness tests last for approximately 20 minutes to a couple of hours. We take the results very seriously, as they indicate part of the building’s safety structure. However, Building Compliance Testing guides you throughout. By offering our ‘one-stop-service’ service, we support you from concept to completion.
Overall, there are several core aspects to consider. These include Ventilation, Fire Detection, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical, Ceilings and Windows. It is the building owner’s responsibility to keep these up to standard.
To find out more about the Building Compliance Services we offer, contact us over the phone on 01621 493594. Or, send us an email at