Air Quality Assessment Cambridge

If you are searching for air quality assessments Cambridge we are the right company for you!

The increased demand of Housing projects has led to an increase of site developments in poor air quality areas.
It’s crucial that before any project is constructed, an air quality assessment has taken place.

That is why Building Compliance Testing is the right company for you!

Using analytical assessments and defined methodologies, Air Quality Assessments identify whether there is a risk of impact to the local environment and we provide mitigation where necessary to protect residents and businesses.

We, as a company, want to make sure that all people involved in the project are safe and protected.

Elements of air quality assessments Cambridge

Single Fan Testing blower door air test permeability tightness depressurisation

-Site Suitability to determine suitability for residential development due to the proximity to major sources of pollutant emissions or being located within an existing AQMA.

– Impact Assessment to determine whether approval will result in a deterioration of local air quality because of increases in traffic movements.

Building compliance testing wants to make sure your project is successful in meeting all of the environmental planning conditions and building regulations requirements needed.

Why us?

We have over 10 years experience in Air quality assessments, allowing us to have the professional on-site experience you need for your assessment

We are a very reliable and approachable company, to us no question is a useless question!

You will be able to receive a full report only 24 hours after the testing has taken place.

We do not charge for any advice or questions, so why not call us up for a free chat!

01621 493 594